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Vox Pop Report: Leap into the Future of Insurance

Vox Pop Report: Leap into the Future of Insurance

This Vox Pop report explores the latest trends in technology innovation and digital leadership in insurance.

21 December 2021
Leap Into the Future of Insurance

Vox Pop report on the global insurance industry  

Download the report

Get your copy now to learn about:

  • How insurers can fast-track their digital roadmap
  • The revolution in virtual health assistance and how insurers can take advantage of the opportunities in this space
  • The key challenges and opportunities in SME insurance
  • Why insurers need to transform claims end-to-end
  • How FintechOS platform addresses the challenges facing the insurance industry in the move to digital

The report features insights by 10+ executives at: Altus, Aon Inpoint, Aviva, Collinson Group, FintechOS, InsTech London, ASIROM – Vienna Insurance Group, OMNIASIG – Vienna Insurance Group, and psKINETIC.

Women reviewing papers at desk

FintechOS Leap 2021 featured over 30 interactive sessions and 50 visionary speakers, covering inspirational keynotes, digital transformation success stories, and actionable insights on how to stay ahead of industry trends. This Vox Pop report offers a selection of the most valuable takeaways from the event.

Get your copy now to learn how digital innovation can add value to health insurance for younger consumers and why digital insurance platforms still need to offer a ‘phygital’ aspect that combines remote and in-person diagnostic services. The report also discusses the opportunities in SME insurance, how insurers can optimize claims, and how they can create innovative, end-to-end insurance processes.

Additionally, it offers insights about FintechOS’s high-productivity insurance architecture and shows how the FintechOS platform is optimized for the provision of embedded and ambient financial products that can work alongside existing ecosystems without the need for a full digital transformation.

visual current state general insurance

The threat to incumbent insurers is much overdone. They have a lot of money and, if they really feel threatened by something, they’ll buy it. That’s why partnerships is completely the key.

Robin Merttens

Co-founder and Partner with InsTech London

Key figures


of companies failed at digital transformation in 2020


of customers consider insurers trustworthy


of SMEs are interested in flexible and micro-insurance
Leap Into the Future of Insurance

Vox Pop report on the global insurance industry  

Download the report